Central Dakota Frontier Cooperative
Patronage 09/06/18 9:34:50 AM
As a cooperative, DFC is committed to our Mission of providing products, services and commodities at the lowest possible net cost. To that end, DFC returns the annual profits of the cooperative to its members in the form of patronage. DFC patronage is returned as cash (50%) and equity in the coop (50%) that retires after 14 years.
DFC paid out over $3,000,000.00 in "cash patronage" and "equity" retirements to our member owners this past year. Patronage returns have consistently averaged nearly 7% over the last 10 years.
DFC’s vision is to grow the cooperative for the benefit of the patrons while at the same time controlling costs as a way to increase our value.
If you are interested in doing business with Central Dakota Frontier Cooperative, please complete and return the Credit Application below.
Credit Application
Credit Policy